Memorial Day
Optional lessons available for Monday students. Time could be earlier in the day. OR you could come Friday, May 30 instead.
Piano Make Up Week
Optional make up week for anyone who has missed a lesson. You can come at your regular time, or any other available time.
Piano Make Up Days
Optional make up days for anyone who has missed a lesson during fall semester. Contact Aviva to arrange a time.
MLK Day We do have lessons
I am offering lessons on MLK Day, so that Monday students get the same number of lessons as everyone else.
Thanksgiving Break
Monday students will have lessons as usual (to make up for Labor Day). No lessons the rest of the week.
Labor Day
No lessons. Monday students will make up by having a lesson the Monday of Thanksgiving week. Other students will be off that week.
First week of lessons
Tuition is due at the first lesson. $170 if paying monthly ($160 sibling) or $765 ($720 sibling) for the semester. The monthly tuition will take you through September.
MLK Day--lessons as usual
I’m offering lessons this day so that Monday students have the same number of lessons as everyone else. You may schedule a make up on Jan. 6, if that doesn’t work for you.
Spring Semester begins
If paying by the semester, your semester tution is due this week. $765 1st student, $720 for sib.
Piano make up days
Make up day for anyone who has missed a lesson this semester. Please contact me to schedule.
Winter Break
Note that Monday students WILL have lessons as usual on Dec. 18. They will be off Jan. 1 instead.
Thanksgiving Break
No lessons Tuesday-Friday. Monday students have lessons as usual, since we did not meet on Labor Day.
Lessons begin
1st tuition payment (monthly or semester) is due. Monthly tuition= $170 1st student, $160 sib. Semester tuition= $765 1st student, $720 sib.
Make up week
This is a make up week for anyone who has missed a lesson. If you haven’t missesd a lesson you are welcome to stop by for a 15 min brush up on your piano party piece.